Makes the familiar PC version of 6park easier to read on your phone. Since it's unofficial, we'd really appreciate if you report any breakage instead of giving a low rating.
This app is ad supported. However there's no ad where it counts: in full-screen image or video modes (We are not responsible for any advertisement that may be in those images or videos).
* Fast (under similar Internet connection).
* NEW dark mode with completely black background saves battery, and your eyes.
* Familiar full-screen image browsing mode, similar to WeChat and WhatsApp. Double-tap on any image to enter this mode. Further double-taps zoom in and out of an image. Single-tap to show system controls, particularly the Back button which allows you to exit full-screen mode.
* Keeps a history of all posts you have read.
* Old-school user interface that's clear and easy to use.
* Respects your privacy, no unnecessary permission required.
* Supports browsing and reading of most 6park communities and forums.
* NO support for reading posts that require login at the moment.
* NO support for posting and replying at the moment.
Known Issues:
* The app may quit abruptly when browsing large images in full-screen mode on a phone with limited system memory (note that this is different from free storage space). Simply relaunch the app and get back to browsing.